Induced for cholestasis


I got ready for my 38 week appointment and told my mom I’d be right back (she was baby sitting my daughter for me). I get to the hospital super early and my husband calls and asks if I want to pick him up from work (down the street from the drs office) because parking sucks. I go get him and we end up being 10 mins late and I’m super annoyed. I see the midwife for like 10 mins. I mention that my palms and feet are itchy. She tells me to go to the lab to get tested for cholestasis and she’d call me the next day to let me know what’s next. Now I’m even more annoyed because these test results won’t come in for a few days and the second part won’t come in for a week and I feel like she rushed me out.

On our way to the lab she calls me and tells me to go straight to labor and delivery.

I’m like oh great they are going to run the tests there and send me home and it’ll be more expensive.

I check in they monitor the baby and then I hear them in the hall say “room 7 (me) is here for cholestasis. She’s 38 weeks so we are going to keep her”. I look at my husband like what did they just say out there?!?!?

The dr comes in and tells me because I have the symptoms of cholestasis at 38 weeks they won’t have time to run the tests for it and I will be getting induced right then.

Is it bad the first thing I think is thank goodness I went to pick up my husband so we don’t have two cars in the parking lot?? Haha

I’m so excited to get induced I was having so much pressure and flase alarms.

I posted about it on here how I thought my water broke during sex but it totally wasn’t my water 🤦🏻‍♀️ anyway..... lol

They give me my first pill (I forget what it’s called cytotec???) contractions start but not bad. They give me the second pill some hours later. And then they say im contracting too much they are going to wait on the third dose. I pretty much stay at 3cm for a whole day and they finally give me another pill. Right when I got to 3cm it hurt and I ask for an epidural. I had one with my daughter but I realized, after this one, that it didn’t work the first time. This one worked!! I didn’t feel anything is was great. They start me on pitocin. I’m hoping and praying I get to 10 cm while my midwife is on call. But the end of her shift rolls around and I’m only 5cm. I was so sad.

4 hours after that I wake up because I felt like I pooped the bed. I tell my sister to call the nurse. The nurse says I’m ready to push. I do two practice pushes and she tells me to wait for the dr. He comes in and I push 5 or 6 more times and my baby is out!! And I didn’t feel any pain just pressure (thank you epidural!!) I had a first degree tear but I didn’t even feel them sew me up this time. I was relived I got a good dr and my birthing experience was so great.

Luke Everett was born at 12:34am 8lbs 13oz (my smallest baby)