I’m pregnant and I don’t know what to do.

Hi y’all. I’m really in need of support. I took two pregnancy tests and both came back positive. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant but I made the choice to have unprotected sex with my husband.

Our relationship has been rough lately. We were fighting a lot but that has subsided and we found a good way to communicate our issues. Although things are good, our finances are terrible. My husband is in the military and we got extra money from the state we were previously in, since the cost of living was higher and we had a roommate. We since have moved and lost the extra money out of our income. I also made more money at my pervious job. I just started a new job making a lot less.

I’m really afraid to tell my husband. I know he’s not gonna be happy about this and I know deep down he would want me to have an abortion. But I don’t want one. I don’t have any friends to talk to and I am way too nervous to tell my mom.

Please help. I need advice.

Edit: my husband won’t get more money for having another dependent.