My mom lost my 200 dollars

I made about 400 dollars this past summer from babysitting and doing house chores for families and I’m 16. About two months ago I got 200 dollars in an envelope. It was left in my room and my mom got it and put it in her laptop stand drawer about three months ago. I didn’t think anything of it. I went back to get it and she took it out and “lost it” she will never help me look for it and she will never talk about it. When I talk about it I get yelled at. This really makes me upset because I lost so much money when I worked my butt off for it. It’s not like she’ll ever pay me back. It’s been almost three months since she lost it or whatever. Idk why she even took it from my room. I haven’t been rude to her about it or anything but still it hurts my feelings.