WAIT! A Girl?!


Its been two weeks already since she's here but I've been so busy just staring at her. I was admitted on Sept 8th for an induction because I told my doctors I stopped checking my sugar. I kept up my diet for the most part but they weren't satisfied. The nurses started me with the Foley bulb around 9 P.M. and by morning I was still only a three...was supposed to be four when they removed it. They started me on Pitocin after breaking my water, which didn't get things moving at all, and a mild pain medicine. With my vertigo I became very sick but kept pushing through. All day Monday I was stuck between four and five cm but tried to hold off on the epidural until I couldn't stand the pain anymore since they tend to wear off. I despise needles so I begged my nurses not to let me move when I finally got one done. It took almost 90 minutes for the anesthesiologist to come do my epi. I was shaking so hard through the pain that the bed was also shaking. My bestie came to see me at 6:00 that night and left at 7:00 because, guess what, I'm still at 5. Then things happened, quickly. I went from five to eight pretty fast then ten in a matter of a few minutes. When they tell you that you know when to push they aren't kidding. I was begging them to let me push. My nurse told me it could take up to three hours of pushing for first time moms but this girl popped out in twenty minutes. The epi did nothing for the pressure and burning I felt. I didn't end up with hemorrhoids but I did tear which required only three stitches. My bestie came bursting through the door right when they laid her on me and my mom cut the cord with happy tears. I went my entire 40 weeks without knowing the gender of my baby and got the surprise of my life because from day one of knowing I was carrying I really did believe my baby was going to be a boy. I couldn't be happier than I am now. Either would have been perfect though. She's happy and healthy and absolutely perfect...even at 3 A.M. lol

Skylar Rayne

7 lbs 14 oz, 20 inches
