I've never felt so uncomfortable at McDonald's

I went to McDonald's to pick up food for my family. A woman takes my order and then she heads towards the back of their kitchen. I could see AND HEAR her and another woman talking about me! She first pointed me out to the other woman and said, "that girl right there". I couldn't hear everything that they said, but I heard more than enough! The parts I heard were "I'd motor boat the shit out of her", "I'd like to wear her thighs like ear muffs", "do you think she's into girls should I ask", and they went on. Between hearing all I heard and all of the disgusting body language they were making, i got so uncomfortable! I couldn't get my happy meals fast enough and get my happy ass out of there! I felt dirty after! I felt like maybe I was showing too much skin, because I was wearing a tank top. I feel like garbage! I thought I'd feel better once I got home, but it's sticking with me! I WILL NEVER GO THERE AGAIN. As i left she gave a "no, thank yoooooou!" And winked at me. I feel so gross! I promise you it was completely obvious that they were talking about me. Even the man standing next to me looked at me and raised his eyebrows in disbelief. I've never had anyone make me feel this way. I felt oggled and just wanted to hide! Are they allowed to do that?