I get really weird, nostalgic, food cravings...


So whenever I get pregnant (apparently. This is my third pregnancy), i get these interesting cravings during my first trimester. A lot of times I feel off, or sick, or food doesn’t appeal to me. But I also get these random cravings for food that I can only describe as nostalgic to me? Food from my childhood that I have hardly given a second thought to, but it holds strong memories. For example, one with My first baby was this sudden craving for my Dad’s “famous” candy beans and hot dogs. Basically baked beans but with onion, crushed pineapple, and brown sugar mixed in. I am not a huge fan of hot dogs normally, but I needed that combo, with chips on the side of course. This pregnancy... The other day I suddenly got fixated on Dominos pizza. It was THE pizza delivery place when I was little. We always ordered from Dominos. I have not cared to order from it for years. We have other, higher quality places we have discovered over time. And I had to order it with sausage, mushrooms and onions. Because I loved sausage on pizza as a child. My parents would order the mushrooms and onion, which I would pick off, but some of their flavor would always linger..hence why my craving demanded that combination! I wanted it so bad my mouth would water at the thought! It tasted like the best pizza ever by the way. Ok then today...? a freaking plate of apple slices and cheddar cheese! That snack parents make a lot for little kids and their friends. I probably have not sat down to a snack of apple slices and cheese since I was six or something? And it tasted damn delicious!

Sooooo... any of you have any weird cravings first trimester?