Feeling really bad about this 😞

For a while now I’ve been sleeping through the night & missing my pump sessions since my son has been sleeping through the night for the most part & being in school just makes me so exhausted. I used to make more than what my son needed now I make barely the right amount for one feeding. I’ve been so sad about it & TRYING to get up at night. Last night my alarm to pump was going off so my husband tried to wake me up & I just snapped at him. I’m up pumping now & I feel terrible about it. I feel terrible about missing my sessions. I feel terrible that I’ve noticed a slight decrease in how much I produce. I feel terrible that pumping is so freaking exhausting. Part of me wants to give up so that i can have my rest & my body back. I’m so tired of having to schedule my whole day around when I am going to pump. So tired of having to constantly wash my pump parts. I wanted to go for as long as I could, but now I’m just not sure.... 😩