I need advice

Sarah • 22

I recently started seeing someone, and he is great. Super sweet and very attentive. Pretty much everything I have been looking for. Out of nowhere my depression came back, and now I want nothing to do with him. And I feel very guilty about it, because he has done nothing wrong. I know I need to end it, because it’s not fair to him, and I need to be alone to sort myself out. My issue is, I have been waiting for the right time to end things, and there will never be a right time. I invited him to join me at a wedding on Saturday, long before my depression came flooding back. And he is currently in the process of making a scrapbook for me, which I am also feeling very guilty about because he is putting so much time and effort into the scrapbook and I am trying to figure out how to break up with him. Do I end the relationship before the wedding? He has asked for time off work to join me at the wedding so I feel guilty about that. How can I explain what’s going on with me? I am very bad at talking about things in person, especially my depression. But I know he deserves better than being broken up with over text. I have been wrestling with this for almost 2 weeks now and I can’t seem to end things, and I know I need to. Any advice is appreciated.