Stress is Killing Me

Stress is literally destroying me. My hair is falling out and my entire body is covered in those tiny red bumps that I assume is acne. The first picture is the hair I managed to catch falling out while I was taking a shower. Please excuse my horrible nails. I chew them when stressed. I just wanted something to compare to so you understand how much hair that is. It makes me feel so ugly. The second one is what happened when I tried to comb it. I’m losing it. This isn’t a work thing or a breakup or something that will eat better. This is me being consumed by depression. This is my grandfather having three strokes in a two month period. This is my grandmaw having breast cancer she doesn’t want to treat. This is my dog running away and getting killed. This is soul consuming stress I don’t know how to fix. My entire life everything that has ever happened to me was because of me. Either I messed up and caused it, or I worked my ass off and got it. This is the first time in my entire life I am completely and utterly helpless. I am not handling it well.