Should a man be called a deadbeat, coward, loser for not wanting to be a father?

Should a man be called a deadbeat, coward, loser for not wanting to be a father?

Women are given so many options when they fall pregnant during a unwanted pregnancy. But men are still treated like they are losers, cowards, deadbeats when they have the same feelings as the women who don’t want to be pregnant. I am all for equality but this is something that seems to get ignored or continue being a double standard. Are women just superior to men when it comes to creating life? They get the choices and men just need to follow their call. I don’t think a man should ever have a say on abortion, yes they can have a opinion but in the end it’s the women’s choice. But equally it just seems appropriate that a man can get a choice of his own to not be a father with no judgment or name calling.

Edit- I feel like I needed to make a edit to this post. I feel strongly for women who are in committed relationships and a man leaves last minute of pregnancy, I couldn’t imagine. But Im open and realize that sometimes men can be wronged just like women. Or neither are wronged but should be given equal choices in a unplanned pregnancy. For those saying they should of used condoms, well condoms are the most likely birth control to fail. And birth control is both partners responsibility not just the male.