Can you guys tell me if I’m wrong or right ?


Good Morning Ladies,

So I got into a slight argument with my husband about money! Ok here goes husband promised his cousin that he would lend him $1000 after he promised he comes and speaks to me, I told him NO because I just got pregnant and we just purchased a car ! We put down $10k for the car I have money coming in but I want to purchase a few thing kitchen table a chest freezer and a kitchen island . So he stated that his cousin helped him out in the past when he was in the hospital only one that would take his mom blah blah! I don’t want to sound cold but he just got here from his country owes money needs to pay he is the only one working etc! I told my husband I can get them clothes get the kid in school which I did purchased clothes for all 3 , and went to the supermarket that is all I can do! So my husband states he promised! Lol I really don’t care I have my own house to deal with, pregnant and I told him that No is my last answer ! 2 days now he hardly speaks to me and says I’m wrong! Am I being wrong or selfish?