I'm so paranoid please someone help.

I was at work today and I do what is considered like community home care, I ran out of gloves and this one client said that all workers have to put lotion on her legs. So I took a deep breath and I asked her if it was safe to touch her skin, she said yes so she gave me this cream I lathered on to her leg really quickly bare skin ugh I cringed I'm so vigilant about using gloves I couldn't believe that I ran out. Anyways as I was handing back the bottle of cream I glanced at the back and my eye caught the word "staphaloccus aureus" my heart just sank I immediately ran to the bathroom and washed my hands with antibacterial soap twice singing happy birthday twice, then i used hand sanitizer twice letting it dry in betweeb I should mention that she had 2 patches of extremely dry skin in two different areas of her leg.

I'm 22 weeks pregnant and I'm deathly afraid that I have something now.

Can someone please tell me I'm going crazy. Or please tell me what I should do I have a 2 year old I don't even want to touch. Ugh I cried when I left.