Just for fun- Where did your water break?

SA • Wife & Mother. Son & Daughter, toddlers. One year apart.

I had a weird feeling that mine would break at night in bed. It was my first pregnancy and I just imagined that was just how it was supposed to happen! I had asked my MIL if I needed to put plastic down over my mattress. She told me it was completely unnecessary and a highly improbable scenario. So I didn't..

Fast forward a bit.. May 21st, 2:30 AM, I'm 39 weeks pregnant and asleep in bed with my husband. Frequent bathroom trips are a given at this point, so I pretty much banked on countless sleepy trips down the hall. I NEVER wet myself though, with the exception of sneezing (naturally lol)! Well I thought that night might be my first.. As

my eyes shot open as soon as I started to feel myself pee (or so I thought).. I knew if I moved quick enough, I could make it to the bathroom without getting any on the bed, which would save me the embarrassment of having to tell my husband I pissed on him. I FLEW out of that bed! (Think super pregnant Super Woman!) By the time I got to the bathroom my sweatpants were SOAKED. I sat down and emptied my bladder. Then I stood up and a waterfall came running down my leg and I knew! I called for my husband to bring me new clothes. He was in disbelief. It took me soaking through 3 pads, 3 pairs of underwear, AND 3 sets of pajamas in 20 minutes for him to believe me and load our bags.

By the time we got to the hospital (only 5 minutes from us), I had soaked through another pad, another set of underwear, my sweats, my boots and both towels I was sitting on. I leaked onto the wheelchair even!

I wasn't expecting so much, yet I GUSHED fluid for six hours! My nurse told me that some women's bodies continue to make water, even after a rupture, to keep the baby moist. But even they were shocked when they had to change my bedding nonstop.

It was probably the coolest part of labor for me. I felt a flood of emotions and was so excited that I was crying happy tears on and off. I was also in disbelief that it happened just the way I had imagined. My contractions and back labor started hours later, around 6:30 AM. Things were super uncool from then on until I was actually able to pull my son onto my chest at 1:34 PM that afternoon.

I love these stories! Can I hear some of yours?