I need of some help EDIT: thanks for the help 😊💙


Okay so I need some opinions on a question I got asked this morning. So in a couple of week my boyfriend’s family is doing a family portrait session. Well today he just said his mom asked him to ask me if I wanted to be in the photos. I don’t know what to say. Could someone give me some options on what I should do?

EDIT: thanks everyone for the opinions, I’m definitely gonna do it since his mom wants me included in the photos, I’m really happy and honored she wants me to be, it’s nice knowing she thinks of me as part of the family even tho my boyfriend and I are married(yet). I’m gonna go head and do what some have commented and get them to do a picture without me in it just for the sake of if something was to happen to my bf and I (which I doubt would happen) but anyways thanks again for the help I greatly appreciate it 💙