I dont know what I'm meant to do and I dont have anyone to ask.

I'm not sure any of you will be able to suggest anything that will help but writing all this here has been good to get it out. Thank you if you read it all. It's super long.

My baby is 13 weeks old. Shes had a rough start to life, she was in NICU for 2 days because she wasnt feeding so was put on a feeding tube and the she eventually took a bottle so we was aloud home on day 3. She had colic I think and she had some reflux but all that seems to have settled down now. She went from sleeping 7:30/8pm - feed at 3am - wake at 7am which was perfect then it changed to 7pm - dream feed around 10-11pm - sleep through till 6/6:30am which was also perfect now she falls asleep between 7-8pm sleeps until 10pm wakes for a feed sleeps till 2am wakes for a feed then doesnt go back to sleep till at least 3:30am then is awake at 5:30am. The only way to get more sleep is to lay her in bed with me which 1) isn't safe 2) I want mlto sleep without her on me shes on me all day. I dont know how to sort this I'm doing my best to sort her day naps out and her awake windows but having a nearly 2 year old also running around makes it hard for me to focus on her naps. She went from falling asleep on me in minutes without being rocked just laid on my chest to self settling for a couple weeks now shes back to sleeping on me but needs rocking but also that doesnt always work now I have to Rock her to sleep in her pram which she doesnt sleep well in because my other daughter is running around making noise, she has white noise playing but it only works for so long. she just cant seem to get comfy anywhere, shes also a belly sleeper as when she had her reflux/colic episode this was the only way she would sleep and now shes stuck to it I dont know if it's worth teaching her to sleep on her back again? She doesnt sleep for longer than 30 mins at a time then 30-60 mins later shes tired again ready for another nap for 30 mins. I've tried getting to her just before I know she will wake and try to guide her into another sleep cycle but that doesnt work either. And it just Carrie's on like this all day. Her feedings change all the time sometimes shes on 6oz every 3hrs currently shes on 7oz every 4hrs. I understand shes a baby and every baby is different but I cannot carry on like this I dont get anything done in the day, I struggle to make dinner for us all I get little to no sleep unless I go to bed when they go to bed because after 2am she hardly sleeps. I have to stay up late to get everything done I dont get done in the day like washing, washing up, cleaning, ironing etc. I dont know what to do to try help this situation. I'm not trying to make her sleep through the night I know shes still young so it's not expected but I need some sort of structure something to help her nap longer. Just something I can do. it's not good for her shes so mardy after around 30 mins of being awake so it's not like I can just do stuff when shes awake because she wont be put down. My toddler is suffering and starting to hit me when I hold the baby too long but if I put her down she screams. And sometimes she has to because I'm doing things I cant just stop, like changing my toddlers nappy or sorting out dinner or making her a feed up. I try not to pick her up straight away when shes getting grouchy I just talk to her to try soothe her first. It's just so hard and no one helps me no one can help me and no one understands. My partner knows all this and just goes about his day going to work and coming home in time for bedtime and he does nothing for either of them hes decided to work 7 days a week 12 hours a day. He doesnt need to. He wants to. So that's extra stress that I dont need I do everything on my own and its hard and I'm at the end of my tether and losing my patience with the situation I dont know what to do anymore.