Drying up breast milk, help!!


I gave birth on 9.21.2019, attempted to breast feed for about 24 hours before switching to formula. My milk (I think) came in on 9.25.2019, my breast were very heavy and I noticed a big lump like thing in one of them. After contacting one of the lactation consultants at my hospital they said that was probably a milk duct filling up, and if I dont want to breast feed try cabbage, ice, keep sports bra on, etc. Its been almost 5 days, swelling has gone down a bit still slightly heavier than usual and that lump is still there. Wondering how long until it goes away? I havent noticed any leaking whatsoever and have just been leaving my breasts alone. I would love to take a bath but dont want to do anything to encourage my breasts to keep producing until I know the supply is dried up, and I was told warm water on your breasts is a no-no if your trying to dry them up. Any tips or advice?