TMI — Two Week Wait symptoms


I am 9/10 DPO.

I Got my first positive OPK on Saturday morning Sept 21st.

Me and my husband did the dance that night, Sunday night as well as Monday night.

We used to Pre-Seed as well as the menstrual Disc method.

After the dance was done I had my legs in the air at an incline and my butt lifted 45 minutes each night. Disc stayed in the first full night, then 4 hours the next night but did not do the disc on the third night. We used preseed all three nights.

So, now here is the situation.

Ever since 4DPO I have cramped nonstop from both sides of my ovaries and sometimes They start cramping at the same time. However it is not a period cramps, it is more of a tightening fullness . I know it sounds weird. As well as experiencing very very tender breast. And I can’t seem to get full not matter how much I eat. I have been peeing about Every 2 to 3 hours.

I have never experienced this during my regular cycles or before.

I took a pregnancy test starting at 6DPO And every day after till today 9/10 DPO and everything came back negative.
