Another big step for my anxiety journey


Since a bad slump when my anxiety and depression peaked around 18 months ago, when I had to go back on to medication, I have been working hard on myself to get up some confidence.

Earlier this year a friend I had lost touch with a few years ago got in touch. We have been messaging on and off ever since but I couldn’t get the confidence in myself to meet up again.

Today he messaged saying he would be driving past my town on his way home from work and asked if I wanted to go for a coffee and a catch up.

I said yes that would be nice, as I left the house I had some nerves, felt like I was meeting a stranger. As soon as I saw him it was like we had only seen each other week! We spent over 2 hours catching up on what had happened over the years, had a coffee and walking around shops like we used to!

I feel so freaking proud of myself for doing it and not making an excuse like I did a couple of weeks ago!

So for anyone that is in a similar situation if you can bring yourself to try just do it, you will feel amazing afterwards