Implantation WITHOUT bleeding. I want to know if anyone else has experienced the same. All that anyone online talks about is the bleeding .

Jennifer • 🤰🏽with my first 👶🏽 June 2020

Last night (cd21) I had period like cramps, but they weren’t as intense as my actual period. They lasted all night well into the early morning. They were very obvious though. I haven’t been spotting at all and today it feels like there’s pressure in my uterus. I’m not sure exactly when I ovulated, but the calendar says last Tuesday 9/24. I have a 30 day cycle.

My symptoms so far:

• the cramping

• sore breasts off and on (usually happens a week before my period)

• felt a little nauseous this morning but didn’t vomit

• winded going up stairs

I really hope this works out and I’m curious about everyone’s experiences.