Deep tongue tie?

I need advise. My daughter is being referred to a specialist for a deep tongue tie. She is able to stretch her tongue out and she has a deep latch but her tongue does not curl around my nipple, instead she feeds with a flat tongue which constantly makes her unlatch during feeds and she 'clicks' with every suck. When she was smaller we were able to combat it by getting a really good deep latch together, but now she's nearly 4 weeks old and growing and getting heavier no matter what position we try with feeding we cannot achieve a deep latch.

I'm worried about my milk supply because of this. She used to do 20 minute feeding sessions every 3 hours roughly, now she will do 5-10 minutes every 1 1/2 hours. She pulls off my boob every time and when I try to relatch her she pulls away, but she's clearly agitated and until the next feed she is constantly sucking her fingers and looking around for the boob, I've tried a pacifier and it's frustrates her.

When she fed before, coming up to each feed my breasts would become hard and full of milk, now they remain soft 24/7. I thought after a week of this my breasts would have caught up and started accomodating for the high frequency of feeds and my milk would've come in a little quicker to allow for the smaller gaps between feeds. On the odd occasion she goes 3 hours between the feeds now, my breasts still remain soft. I drink plenty of water too so that's not an issue.

I'm worried my supply is lower now, we have been forced to do a formula bottle in the evenings and we have the same issue with a bottle. She will click with every suck and only do an ounce and stop, but continue to look for the nipple, an hour later she will do another ounce, and so on until she's finally asleep.

I'm going out if my mind here! Any hopes of routine seem to be disappearing :(