Hello moms

My 3 YO has been throwing up for 3 hrs now. Not the whole 3 hours. He stops for a while 10-20 min or so and then throws up again.

He doesn’t have a fever and he seems mostly normal just cries when he throws up because he doesn’t like the feeling or throwing up and the mess..

What can I do?!?

Should I take him to the ER????

Should I wait it out longer????

This is the first time this has happened to him and I’m worried sick and idk what to do..

I read some articles online that say to just wait it out and take him after it’s been a day or two that he’s been like this but Idk if I can wait that long seeing how miserable it makes him to throw up and I’m so worried too....

Does anyone have any advice or gone through something similar with their kids????

Please any advice is appreciated.

- one worried momma