Story time for the strugglers

The entire time I was pregnant my mission was to breastfeed my babes. Once she was born, things were going great! She had a great latch and was gaining weight after losing some during her first few days on earth.

Fast forward to 1 week postpartum and our sweet girl was crying all day and night. You could tell she was in pain and nothing would console her except when I would nurse. She would nurse every hour for 40 minutes. So I literally was changing her, nursing, burping all while trying to figure out why she wouldn't stop crying

2.5 week postpartum I was trying to tell my dr my baby was colic and I gave her all of the signs we were seeing. She suggested that we incorporate formula in her feeding schedule as it sounds like she wasnt getting enough good during nursing.

I'm proud to say that since Monday, our sweet girl has done a complete 180. I decided to pump instead of nurse, so she gets 2 ounces of breastmilk (that's all I can pump right now per session)and 2 ounces of formula. Shes happy, sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and finally not crying. So for those struggling with breastfeeding or even pumping, remember formula is NOT your enemy. It's not poison. You will not be shunned for using it. Why? Because, FED is best!!