Stressed out!


My anxiety prevents me from leaving the house. When I have to, usually to go to an appointment or get groceries, it takes me forever to calm myself down. The doctors are still trying to find a medication that will work and that won’t affect my heart (I was born with a heart defect that I still deal with today).

On top of dealing with my anxiety that usually feeds my depression, I’m stressing over money. Probably the story of everyone’s lives.

I’ve been on medical leave since July because of my anxiety so money has been tight. My roommate moved out last month so things are even tighter. My credit card is drowning me and I have made so many budgets that I’m pretty well trying to make a stone bleed.

All this stress and anxiety is fucking with my system. Now my period is 5 days late. I took a test; it was negative. But still! Even with all the stress I’ve ever had in my life, I never missed a period. So this just adds more stress to my already stressed mind.

I don’t know what to do. I just feel like I’m drowning. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks