Birth to 3

Hello mamas! Curious to know if anyones little one is enrolled in birth to three? My daughter got involved with them around 18 months for lack of pointing and using her words, my daughter has a HUGE vocabulary she just doesn’t use the words she knows to always communicate. When she was first evaluated they were impressed with how smart she is academically but concerned with her social. She doesn’t socialize much, she kind of just ignores people or pays attention when she chooses, also she doesn’t have good eye contact, she looks at me and others when they/we are doing certain things but if I’m trying to get her to look at me she refuses to.

When she was evaluated they said she didn’t have enough characteristics to say she was autistic but that she did have some characteristics of it. Anyways I’m struggling to get her to do some things sometimes, she’s 2 now, she doesn’t jump with both feet, she doesn’t feed herself fully with utensils (she can but if I try to encourage her to she’ll only take 3 or 4 bites and say “all done” ) I’m not sure if your babies are able to pull their own pants up but she can’t, also do your babies walk up & down stairs? she crawls up and will not go down, she’s too scared.

Any tips on eye contact during conversation and also encouraging some independence with physical skills? The woman she meets with from birth to three has given me tips but I’d love to hear from any mamas who have actually experienced some of the same things and what may have worked for your LO. Thank you!