All spark gone..?


I feel like me and my husband are just in a place in our relationship that we just live and do the bare minimum for each other. Well he does the bare minimum I don’t. Right now we have one 9month old and I’m 7 months pregnant and we have our own house that’s paid for but he just doesn’t seem very happy or satisfied with me.. he doesn’t really contribute to our relationship for example for Christmas all that we did was him open the gifts I got him, Valentine’s Day it was nothing just silence the whole day because I was in the hospital with my son who was sick at the time, and then for Mother’s Day he didn’t even acknowledge what day it was which kinda bummed me out because it was my first one as a mother, then my birthday rolls around and still nada is done or said to me not even a happy birthday, then last but not least our 1 year anniversary (we’ve been together for 7 years married 1)comes around and he didn’t care he said that he was tired and didn’t want to do anything.. I do it all for him for his bday, Father’s Day, Christmas, our anniversary and if I can’t afford to go all out I at least get him a card or I write him a sweet letter.. I don’t care that he doesn’t “buy” me things but I want him to at least try I constantly just give him random little notes letting him know how much I love him and he throws them away after reading them or he doesn’t read them because he doesn’t realize what it is.. It never used to be like this he used to make me feel like I was the only girl in the world now I catch him checking out almost every girl.. I just want him to at least make me feel wanted and to make me feel like he didn’t just settle for me🤷🏻‍♀️