I need advice please ladies? I’m kind of embarrassed about this

I am 22, I just turned 22 on the 2nd and I’ve had a lot of setbacks in life. For example, I don’t have my driver’s license so I depend on my uncle to take me to and from work. I don’t have my own vehicle either, I have a month to move out of my aunts, and get my own place which I know I can do, the plan at first was me and my sister (who also doesn’t have a car or a drivers license, she’s my twin) would save up money by the end of the month and get our own apartment. But she just recently lost her job so she might not have all her part so that worries me. My dad hasn’t been employed in 3 years so he’s not much help and I know most likely he will be moving in with us . Not like I don’t want him too because that’s my dad, but I just recently got into a relationship and it’s one of the best ones I ever had, he’s very understanding but I don’t know how to expain all of this to him.. its a little embarrassing to me. It will be one of my very own places and would like him over but how embarrassing would it be when I’m 22 and my dad still lives w me ?? I love my dad but majority of my life I feel like was set back because of dumb choices I made and it’s even harder because we were evicted and that’s why me, my dad, and sister live with my aunt . I think too much about my family and my dad I sometimes forget about myself . My family helps a lot by i always feel this burden on me... my boyfriend comes from a good family, not a dysfunctional one like mine. I know he wouldn’t understand . I’ve been hiding the fact that so much of us live with my aunt because it’s so embarrassing, I haven’t even told him my aunt is moving into a new house which is why I gotta find my own place and the possibility that my dad might come 😔 ladies please no judgement, what would you do I my shoes, any advice how to approach this. I’ll hopefully be in my new place in two weeks and i know he will find this very shocking ..