Condom broke and he doesn’t want to be a father, reposted updated

i am reposting and updating because I realize I left important information out. My friend is here with me and he knows I am posting this so no I am not posting someone else private Information without permission. My friend hooked up with this girl at a party last month. It was a one time thing and they used protection. The condom they used broke they didn’t realize until after he ejaculated. He did give her money for plan b ($60). She had sex with 2 other guys that night, and multiple guys throughout the month. But she said that he is the only one that the condom broke. And the time frame matches up that is most likely his.

She did tell him she is pregnant and he asked her what about the plan b. She said she bought it but decided not to take it because she didn’t feel pregnant so decided to save it for another time(which is so stupid because you can’t feel pregnancy the day after 🤦‍♀️) . He asked her about getting a abortion (he offered to pay for a abortion) and made it clear he doesn’t want a child with her. She said she is not going to get another abortion (she has already had 3). He is a complete mess right now since he doesn’t want a child with her. He has made it clear he definitely doesn’t want a relationship with her and he only had sex with her because he was wasted drunk and immediately regretted it, he was a virgin so that was his first time having sex. we have been looking up laws in our state. According to what we have read courts will not allow a man to terminate his parental rights unless there is already a adoption in progress. my friend is the guy that is here, not the girl. I know her but we are not friends.

Update- I only gave facts this is not meant to be bias just the facts. We were not aware of the 3 abortions until after the fact she said she was pregnant. Also we are both pro choice and I can care less if she had 0 or 100 abortions. We were both at the party she had sex with him and then the 2 other guys after this was no secret because we found out at the party (people talk) and she admitted. When she told him she is pregnant and didn’t take plan b that’s when we asked how many other sexual partners she had through out the month and it was at least 6 that she admitted. They are not high school kids like some think. He is 20 and she is 29.