Ok y’all, I just wanted to tell someone. I’ve been seeing a guy for like 2 months, but we aren’t dating. We are, however, only seeing each other. I had a HORRIBLE day on Saturday. I mean HORRIBLE. He told me he doesn’t really wanna get into a relationship right now, he wants to get his life together a bit more first. I worked with my GM and closed with him (everything has to be BY THE BOOK with him and I was never properly trained so I got in trouble at LEAST 3 times at work), I was thinking about a family member who passed away relatively recently, cried in my car after work, the whole nine. Anyways, I got home and called him, finally got into bed around 12:30. We still like each other, and he knew I had a bad day, so he told me to come to his house (keep in mind it’s almost 1 AM) and I could sleep over and he would pay for my parking, etc. OF COURSE I went to his place. Went to sleep around 4 AM, I had work the next day at 5 so I had to plan to leave around 3. Y’ALL. We woke up and he MADE ME BREAKFAST AND BROUGHT IT TO ME IN HIS BED. I’M TALKING HOMEMADE EGGS AND PANCAKES. AND HE NEVER COOKS. HE ALWAYS JUST EATS OUT BUT THAT MORNING HE MADE ME BREAKFAST. I’m almost 21 and this was the first time I’ve ever had a man make a meal for me. I’M FALLING SO HARD FOR HIM. I was with my ex for about a year and never did he once make a meal for me, take me on dates like this guy, and he ALWAYS expected sex. This guy didn’t ask even once but we had so much sex it hurt to sit the next day. WHO CAN RELATE?! 🤤🤤