Social media

So for 11 months I didn’t have social media, to avoid problems w my bf, because he would get some type of way because men would hit on my a lot.. so during yhat tine hed fallow women he used to talk to before & i would ask him to not do that, he did this like 3times when we would have arguments.. it got to a point where he did something for me to react on it & lose some of my trust in him.. i told him that i didn’t have a problem with him keepu g his social media but that i would have mine as well.. now hes all mad because he says that thats why he can’t trust me because i follow men back.. i told him that i was no longer going to do what i used to for him because I wasn’t getting the same respect back so that if he wanted something it was going to be equal.. i told him that just like he said social media was no big deal why is he getting bothered at me having it, if he himself has his..

I don’t have a problem with social media i have a problem with him wanted respect when he doesn’t offer the same respect back.. i think social media is just dumb.. i want to drop it but dam it unfair that he doesn’t do what he asks for.

He said this is why I dont give u everything completely because u always prove me wrong.. you’re over here talking about having my kinds you will never get that because of this.. you always do thing I can’t trust you.. im like what are you talking about you have done this for the past 11months and all the sudden that someone does the same to you u get this way.. i told him yhat if I cannot get his love 100 percent then this is not worth fighting for.

Am i in the wrong? How could i work this out