Panic attack

So 2 days ago I was at work and everything was good but then I started feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach then I started getting cold and clamy along with a racing heartbeat. I have panic attack disorder so I tried doing my breathing techniques but they weren't helping at all and I started to freak out more bc I felt like I couldn't breathe so I called my manager and let her know what was happening and she said she'd try to find someone to come take over for me. So 30 minutes go by and I still haven't heard back from my manager and so I've done called my mom and asked her to come get me to take me to the hospital bc I don't wanna drive while I'm feeling this way and she has to get dressed and stuff well I start feeling worst and I vomit. Chest pain, cold and clamy, racing heart rate, dizzy, and just plain scared so it's been about an hour since I called my manager and so I call her back and tell her I'm calling an ambulance bc I'm feeling horrible and she just says she's gonna try and get a hold of my other manager (work in a laundry mat and we're not supposed to just leave without someone taking over) so I call the ambulance and they arrive and get me going. (I locked the door and closed the window to the office before the ambulance even got there).. I tell my manager I'm heading to the hospital via ambulance and all she worried about is the office being locked up.. My heart beat is like 140 bpm and I'm just trying to stay calm. Get to the hospital and they start doing test and drawing blood. Manager calls me but I'm kinda busy (obviously) so she leaves a VM. After 4 hours they tell me that all the test are fine (felt so stupid by this point) so I listen to the VM and she tells me in the VM that I need to return my key bc I left the store unattended and I couldn't be patient (even though I told her what was happening an hour prior and she wasted time bc my other manager lives 10 minutes away from the laundry mat but she was calling other girls to come take over who weren't even answering).. So I lost a job I loved bc of my stupid body and mind and my bf made me feel so much worst today about the whole situation bc we had an argument and he said you lost your job bc you left the store when there wasnt even anything wrong with you.. I would have expected him to be understanding bc he knows about my panic attacks but still felt the need to say that. I feel so mad at myself and hurt bc no one understands but they want to make sly comments about my mental health.. I've never had a panic attack so bad before but I think a lot has to do with all the stress I've been under.. I'm sure more are to come bc now I have to look for a new job (took me so long to get that one) and hope my mind doesn't mess up another job opportunity for me.. I just wish I would've stayed at work til someone came.. So angry with myself! 😭