Dear white people

Before I rant, I need everyone to know that this is not aimed at all white people. And I’m also going to try my hardest not to offend anyone. But I need to rant.

Why do so many of you feel like your opinions are so much more valid than minority opinions? Why do y’all try to silence us so much?? Why do y’all feel the need to defend the police officers who brutally kill black people as if you’re the officer?? Why do you refuse to accept that racism does still exist today, it’s just hidden. Why don’t y’all understand that when minorities ask for equality, we’re not asking for everyone to be seen as the same, like one big culture? We still want to keep our cultures. We’re all different and we still want to be seen as the race we are. We just don’t wanna be treated poorly because of it. I hope anyone reading this can tell I am not coming from a hateful place. I live in the south and I’m so tired of white people not listening and just getting defensive. Y’all are part of the problem if you do that. Y’all have to realize you have no idea what it’s like in the shoes of someone who isn’t white. You never will. So why walk and talk like you know everything? Why not just listen and become part of the solution?? How can you say that someone is playing the “race card” when you don’t know what their life is like. did it ever cross your mind that MAYBE there are still terrible racist people today that we have to deal with on a daily basis? My mother is only 51 and she was born two days after Martin Luther King was killed. SLAVERY WAS NOT THAT LONG AGO. My point is...why do y’all think that mentality disappeared all of a sudden??? It’s so deep rooted in some of you that you don’t even know it. The same way some people see a Muslim person and their heart drops because something in them screams “terrorist”. Some of y’all have problems with black people and other minorities and you don’t even realize it! You preach about how terrible racism is but then you’re the main one supporting Trump who dislikes everyone who isn’t white. Or you’re defending officers who shoot black men. I honestly didn’t even know how much white people speak up until they started speaking about LGBT issues. Y’all march in parades and everything for the things that y’all care about but where are you when minorities need you?!? Stop lying to yourself saying that you’re all about equality when you’re not! You’re making things harder for us! Then after we have to deal with systematic racism because YALL are the ones over the system, you refuse to hear our voices. But that shit is getting old. I guarantee you it won’t always be this way. Black people and other minorities have given up on trying to change the hearts of white people. We’re taking the steps that we need so that we don’t need to worry about getting a good job or anything like that anymore at the businesses y’all own. We’re starting to have our own businesses. There’s more black woman in college right now than any other race. Y’all just wait and see. I don’t expect anyone to read this or reply. I’m speaking from a place of hurt because of the life that I have lived in the south. So nobody can tell me that my perspective is wrong. Especially not a white person who only knows what it’s like to be white.

Like things have gotten bad the last few years for minorities, especially Hispanic people and Muslims all because of the president we have. He showed a lot of yalls true colors. We don’t need anything from you. We’re not asking for anything anymore. All we need is for y’all to get out of our way and let us become successful too.

We’re moving up and it’s a terrible time for y’all to be against us because we’re all starting to stop caring about yalls feelings.