Annoyed! Does my hair offend you? (Poc please)

Jules • Olive 9.15.16 | MMC 11.2018 | Jude 3.12.20

Hi! So I am getting comments from white people saying my hairstyle is racially insensitive. First, none of the black people in my life care at all and laugh when i tell them white people are offended.

Second, aren’t you sick of white people babying you? (I know there’s a lot of cultural history and hardship, not talking about that, hopefully you get what I mean).

Are any of you (not white people) truly offended by my hair?

**UPDATE**: thanks for all the responses, I’m glad most of us see each other as humans on this crazy journey together regardless of how they wear their hair.

Also, for those who think I’m being racist by asking if you’re sick of white people babying you, that is NOT how I meant it. I mean that so many white people dont sit down and listen and understand you with compassion but decide to speak for you and think for you.

There are SO many understanding people, but it’s the people who clump every black person into one category and decide they can speak for that culture, and POC are capable and smart human beings who can speak for themselves, and if they want white people saying those things in their behalf, great! But not everyone does.

You each have your own voice and don’t need another race speaking for you at every chance without even knowing you. That’s all I’m saying, and I guess I’m saying it would bother me if I were in your shoes, and that’s why it irritates me. Absolutely not trying to be (or seem) racist AT all. And if it doesn’t bother you when white people speak for you as if they need to be the parent, I’d love to know.

I know there is a lot of good being done and people want to be supportive, I just don’t like when it’s done with no actual understanding. I mean, this is why I posted asking YOU guys individually instead of letting white people speak for you. I wanted to know how you really feel and if it really is offensive to you because I care!