Would you be ok after 7 years together and no proposal?

I’ve had my share of acting crazy and doing and saying things I shouldn’t. BF says he wants to get married but I need to “act right”

He was legally married the entire 7 years up until this year stating that it never hindered us and I should give him a reason to be divorced. He argues that anyone would agree that he isn’t wrong since we have lived together the 7 years and it didn’t stop us from being together.

He doesn’t understand that it made me feel like there is “no future place” for me since he was still tied to someone else.

Now that he’s divorced I highly doubt he’ll want to jump in and get married straight out.

After a while I just stopped mentioning it because he doesn’t really see my side of things.

I have never been married or have any kids, wondering if this is in my future since I’m already 30 and it hasn’t happened yet.


“Need to act right”

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