How long did you spot

Hi ladies! I got my BFP on Sunday, October 6, and I’m so excited! It’s my first pregnancy and I’m a little freaked out about my spotting. It’s brown blood and I really only notice it when I wipe. Some got on my underwear today and it’s just freaking me out. I have very light cramping but nothing excruciating. My boobs are still tender to the touch but not as much as Sunday or Monday. I’m seeing my doctor on Monday for my first pregnancy appointment so hopefully it’ll alleviate my stress but I wanted to hear from other women on what they experienced with their first pregnancies and how long you spotted, what the color was and what not. According to when I had my last period, I’m only 3 weeks along but I think I am around 5 or 6 weeks. But I won’t know til Monday for sure. Any info is good info! Thank you!!