Gyno giving me anxiety

Sorry long post...

Can someone maybe try to help me ease my anxiety right now? I called the clinic I usually go to, to get an annual exam and re run a test and they told me that the manager has to speak with me before booking an appointment. That made me worried. In my mind I’m thinking something is wrong. What if they missed something and forgot to tell me.

Back tracking to last year: I went in for an annual exam and found out I had Chlamydia and my pap came back abnormal. I did other tests such as testing for syphalis HIV and other basic STD testing. The other results came back negative, I was eventually treated for the Chlamydia and got re tested after that and everything was normal. As for my pap I had ASCUS and Nurse said it was most likely because of my STD but to come back in a year to get it retested. So fast forward to today, I called to set up an appointment only to get told I have to speak to the manager before booking and that the manager would call me back. It made me completely nervous. I’m shaking, and scared to hear some bad news. I just wish I could know why I have to speak to the manager. Did they miss something with my labs? I know these mistakes can happen. I’m nervous.