Sooooo, this happened today at our first ultrasound!!

Desiree • Mama of 3 under 3! 3.5yr old 👦🏻👧🏻 twins and 2yr old👦🏻 boy! After 5 years of infertility due to PCOS!

So today was my first baseline ultrasound at 6wks 5 days! We had been TTC for 4yrs and 10months for baby number 1! After a round of provera, letrozole and a trigger shot! I released 2 eggs and well!! This happened!! TWINS!!! Freaking TWINS!!!! I’m in shock! We are sooooo beyond excited!! They are both looking great! And have beautiful strong heartbeat!! We are waiting until thanksgiving to tell our families and friends! I had to share or I was going to explode!! I prayed for a sticky baby and got 👶🏽👶🏽! Praying they keep sticking and we make it out of the first trimester without issues! Any twin moms have advice?!? I will take all the help I can get!

Due 05/30/20