Vomiting after fall


I need your opinions! So my 13 month old was walking on the sidewalk, she tripped, fell to her knees, and somehow managed to bump her head. It originally swelled up pretty big, but has gone back to normal. I checked her pupils and breathing and she seemed fine all day. She was her normal self.

Just now I went to check on her and she had thrown up in her crib.

She did wolf down a big dinner before bed.

Do you think the head injury and vomiting are related? I’m a little worried now

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Posted at
Oh poor baby 😢 that looks like it hurt so bad. 💔


Posted at
Sounds like a concussion. Not much you can do except monitor her. You can get her checked out by a doctor but there's not much they will do either.


Posted at
A bump that big would warrant a trip to the ER and with the vomiting i would 100% go. Better to be safe then sorry.


Posted at
With he throwing up and that bruise I would be in the er getting that checked. I usually call the on call and they’ll say yes or no with then er.


Jennifer • Oct 13, 2019
I’m glad!!! 😊


Lisa. • Oct 12, 2019
Thanks for checking in!


Lisa. • Oct 12, 2019
She’s acting like her normal self today! She’s been eating sleeping and being her usual happy self


Posted at
Does she normally throw up much? My girl throws up at the drop of a hat. If not, I’d get it checked - we haven’t had that big of a bump yet so I can’t tell you with any surety.