Something I've had on my mind...


Having a baby is hard. It's a huge adjustment. We are all going through it and we have all seen the posts in this group. By the way, I'm in love with this group! I just wish I could know each of you more personally!

But... Does it ever seem like the media inundates us with the message that being a mom is too hard? That it means we are always busy, that we are by definitely sleep deprived, etc? Like it sets us up to expect all these negative things, so when we experience them, that bias just gets further confirmed? Maybe I'm not explaining myself well, but I just feel like the media (especially social media) always paints motherhood like it's a daily drudgery, and if it's not, you're not doing it right.

For example, I got an email today about a podcast "mom's don't have time to read." Really? My reading time has definitely been cut down after having a baby, but I read while I breast feed, and I prioritize reading at least 20 additional pages during the day. I also listen to audiobooks while I get ready in the morning, while I get ready for bed, and while I drive. My book count is down from pre baby, but I'm still doing plenty of reading!

And I feel like this sort of thing is just everywhere I look! And when I have down moments, I feel like it's just exacerbated by having these negative mom messages everywhere I look. When I'm being rational, I can see that the mom drudgery and lack of me time is either not as bad as I think in my freak out moments, is only temporary, or has a workaround.

I'm definitely not saying we moms don't have real struggles. Just saying that constantly being told how hard being a mom is isn't helpful or true.