Finally my turn to post my birth story.. Super Long
I was due September 29th no sign of baby coming so I was due to get induced Thursday October 3rd, on the 30th of September I was 40 weeks 1 day and I woke up bleeding pink blood so I rushed to the hospital thinking it's time I get there they hook me up to monitors I was having braxton-hicks every 10 minutes, baby sounds good and is active so they checked me and I was only one centimeter a couple hours go by they check me again I'm only at 1 still I had an OB appointment that day so I left the hospital and went to my appointment got an ultrasound baby was head down I was still only at 1 bleeding stopped, so we scheduled an induction for October 3rd but we're hoping I'd go naturally. I go home just chill get a couple things together watch a movie I noticed I had period pains, but I thought nothing of it because I already got check that day and I was only one centimeter I make dinner I keep pausing because my pain is so bad but I still think nothing of it I just think it's baby dropping, I started to time these pains every 7 - 10 minutes I was getting pain the night goes by I'm getting more uncomfortable I try to lie down and I can't because when I get a cramp my hips hurt so I went and took a hot shower laid down I noticed these pains got closer and closer together every 3 to 4 minutes

I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the hospital it was 3:40 a.m. I checked in I was 4 centimeters dilated so they decided to keep me this time, they took me to a real room I couldn't sleep all night I was uncomfortable all night contracting, by around 9 a.m. I was around 5 contractions getting worse and more frequent I got the epidural, I stopped dilating so they give me pitocin and that's where things started to pick up I was dilating super quick I was around 8 or 9 I feel like I have to poop but I couldn't push because I still had cervix and if I push that I would ended up in the operating room they gave me a peanut ball had me on all fours I was in so much pain I couldn't lay like that anymore but I had the urge to push I couldn't hold it anymore so my doctor pushed away my cervix with each contraction left the room came back 5 minutes later and checked me I was at a 10 they pushed last bit of cervix away it was time to push I was pushing holding my breath I would stop in the middle of a push and my doctor got frustrated because his head went back in when it was almost out I pushed so hard he slid right out it didn't even hurt but I heard a pop because he fractured his right clavicle coming out he was out in 15 minutes born October 1st 2019 4:29pm weighing 9 lb 3.6 Oz his head was 15 in his chest was 14.5 in he was 20 in long I didn't even tear just needed a couple stitches near my urethra he latched really quick I'm kind of upset my boyfriend didn't take a picture of when he first came out and then laying him on my chest, giving birth wasn't as bad as I thought.

I can't Believe he was so big and long.

Right after birth


Crazy how they change so fast

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.