Should i try it again??


So, a little backstory...i was writing here a month ago i think saying that my 2 month old isn't sleeping and is always uncomfortable. Well, after going to many doctors we found one that said she might have milk proteine intolerance. She never had any rashes or eczema, just she was fussy, crying most of the day and couldn't be on her back/sides/belly or on me,it would be very difficult finding a position that she would actually look comfortable in.

We did blood tests, ultrasounds, they even gave us an x-ray, stool sample, urine sample...all of them showed nothing wrong. I wanted to do an allergy test but they said it won t be useful so i gave up all milk based products plus beef. At some point i even gave up gluten and eggs but she never got better, actually she seemed worse so they reccomended us a hypoallergenic formula, Pregomin AS to be specific, which changed everything. Now for the most past she is a happy baby, can lay down, sleeps during the day and just doesn't look as uncomfy as before.

Now my problem is this..she doesn't seem to like this formula and she is eating way less ( i actually tasted it and tastes like coins which is disgusting to me and probably to her also)

so i thought that i can give it to her for 2-3 weeks and in the meanwhile i can cut all the allergens: milk proteine, soy, gluten, eggs and nuts and actually try breastfeeding again.I also want to mention that all doctors said that i have good milk, rich or something like that.☹

What i worry about is that:

1. I stopped pumping as often so i'm afraid i won't be able to bring my supply back up.

2. Even if i struggle with that diet she'll feel sick again.

3. She won't get as many nutrients from me as she's getting from formula

4. I will starve😂

I am just wondering if trying to breastfeed again would be worth it or i should just keep her on that formula even tho' it tastes horrible and makes her constipated.

Thank you for your time!!!🤗🤗🤗