Circumcised vs uncircumcised

Hannah • Pregnant with my first baby! Having a BOY 2*17*16 Hubby has a 5 year old little girl! So he gets his princess and his prince ❤

Hello everyone! I am 23 weeks pregnant with a little boy and my husband and I are stuck! We don't know what to do or what not to do!

Maybe TMI? My husband is uncircumcised and it doesn't look "gross" its kinda like half and half to be honest and I'm happy with it and he has NO PROBLEMS with it! (Cleaning) that is most of everyones problem thinking you can't keep it clean, when in reality you can learn how to clean yourself just like a woman has to with her skin.

We don't know if we should circumcise our son or not? I keep thinking if a post I saw when I research this and I uploaded the picture. I've always been set on doing it because that is all I have known and everyone says "its gross" but I got with my husband and learned it is NOT gross at all, now I'm leaning more towards not doing it, keeping the skin, and it is not my choice my son should chose for himself its to personal for me to do so! I wouldn't want my parents to make that choice for me!

I've seen where circumcised men had problems with "dryness, chaffing, and so on" I'd like everyone's opinion about this! I don't want to hear "God made it like that on purpose, leave it alone" I want to hear your stories and facts about Circumcision! Thank you and God bless!