At 13 weeks they discovered an extremely low PAPP-A level (

Rainbow 🌈
At 13 weeks they discovered an extremely low PAPP-A level (.25 MoM) this meant a host of new risks including IUGR, preterm birth, still birth; above all, a placenta with a shortened “shelf life.”
Beginning at 28 weeks, the baby’s growth was monitored closely at Maternal Fetal Medicine.
By 39 weeks the placenta was at Grade 3, meaning it had aged significantly, and while it did its job nourishing the baby to a good weight and size, it was recommended I be induced before 40 weeks. Six days ahead of her due date they began cervical ripening, which had little effect on me, and a distressing effect on the baby. Shortly after that it was decided I stay over night to begin the induction process through a foley balloon (ouch!) and pitocen drip. I got to 2 cm by the following day and the cramping and contractions weren’t favorable for the baby, but by 10 cm was instructed to begin pushing. With each contraction her heart became more and more distressed, so after an hour of pushing it was decided a cesarean section was the only way to get her out safely. By 9 pm she was born and we are so in love 🥰.