Didn’t know I was pregnant!


I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was 18 weeks! My first was born at 36 weeks, so with my due date for this one being the beginning of March, it’s likely this one will be early too, although I’m hoping not too early!

I had a traumatic delivery and rough pregnancy with my first, so I was speechless and terrified when I found out. I’m still wrapping my head around this one. It’s been a whirlwind week... Monday had no clue (but puked right before I needed to take my son to preschool), Tuesday still no clue, Wednesday took a pregnancy test to appease my sister and was shocked when I saw it was positive -even before the view window was completely saturated! Later that day, did bloodwork to get hcg levels, Thursday had an ultrasound to verify gestation, Friday did more lab work. I still haven’t even seen my doctor! And suddenly I have the date I’ll get to find out the gender of the baby I didn’t know I was carrying!

Crazy because I knew with my first at 4 weeks, and was miserable my entire pregnancy! Now? The opposite! I’m nauseous only sometimes but I haven’t had an appetite for weeks! Has this happened to anyone else?