Child Rearing


I need to run a situation by you that you may or may not agree with. I have a younger brother that has had an attitude problem since birth, well that’s according to our mother. Nathan has thrown fits ever since he could walk. Our mom told me a story that when he was 18 months to about 2 years old he took off his diaper and peed on the kitchen floor. Our mom took care of the situation by putting on another diaper then put on his pajama bottoms, then sprayed a household cleaner on the kitchen floor ( not Nathan) then put a mop in his hand to make him clean it up. He began to cry. He has hit me on multiple occasions ( about two years of age to us being teenagers) when we were younger. When he was younger(about age 2 to 10 years) mom would stick his head in the corner. Of coursemy mother has gotten mixed responses to this behavior from people she didn’t even know by one female saying in 1981 (That’s just child abuse lady) then she walked right by my mother. My mother was in nurses training when she was going to college and yes she was getting feedback from her professor’s on how to give a punishment to a disobedient 2 year old. Now I fast forward to today when we were all at Sea World in San Diego. Some people were giving my brother weird and dirty looks for my brother (who is 40) shoving and pushing his son down to the ground (he is 3) and saying “Do you think you’re so tough?!?”His son starts to pout, then cry a little. I feel, that my brother looks for any opportunity to punish his kids physically and verbally wherever and whenever possible. I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact that he would actually feel the need to hit his children to get their attention rather then give them time out by putting their nose in the corner. I know these kids are not my mine, but I also know that this is not how my brother and I were raised.

*Sorry for the late update.