I need some advice!


Long post...

I'm a first time mom and my daughter turns 2 weeks tomorrow (she was born Sep 30th). Everything was fine for the first week but then things started to become a struggle...We are having an appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow but I'd still like to read other people opinions and experiences in the following things:

1) I breastfeed and she was only cluster feeding early mornings but then she would be fine for the day/night. However, she has been cluster feeding all day and all night for the past two days, she wont sleep for long periods of time and she would fight her sleep. Also she would spit it all out not too long after eating. She still poo and pees a lot but I feel like she spits more than a regular newborn would do.

2) She doesn't like her bassinet during the day, she doesn't like her swing and bouncer all that much either and when she was a week old she decided to start fighting the swaddle because she did not like her arms in. Now we swaddle her with her arms out but it's been hard to find a place where she wants to sleep for a decent amount of time...It turns out she likes the boppy lounge pillow, we only use it during the day or when my husband is at work at nights (I'm always awake during this time) but I just read in their website it is unsafe to let them sleep in it due to positional asphyxia. It is impossible to keep her awake in it, she just wants to sleep when we put her down. So now I am avoiding the pillow, I only put her in her bassinet but not only she has been difficult to sleep lately but she also doesn't like sleeping in it all day. Also, having her arms out doesn't help because she wakes herselt up. Any suggestions for this?

3) Everyone tells me she breathes just fine but I feel like her breathing is very accelerated at times, mostly after eating or before falling asleep.

4) Pumping...First week I pumped just fine, I had lots of milk coming in but since she has been cluster feeding so much I can barely get an ounce out when pumping. There is a lot of milk when she eats tho! My nipple starts dripping as soon as I take it out of the bra to feed her and sometimes she would let go and lots of milk would come out of her mouth and my boob. Not sure whats going on with the pumping. The Haakaa cup does work better for some reason...I get from 3 to 5 oz per feeding session. Maybe I'm not pumping at the right times?

And that's it...If anybody reads up to this point: Thanks. I'm just a firs timer who worries and overthinks a lot.

Bonus: My washer broke and I cry over the fact that she throws up over everything so much...I can't get things washed as quickly as I need. Everything feels like a mess lately!