32 weeks 4 days I started having contractions

32 weeks 4 days I started having contractions. Went to the hospital, stated over night with no cervical change. Next morning got 1st round of steroid shots and contractions were less frequent so they discharged me. Went back the next morning for anothwr steroid shot, only to be admitted because contractions were back. Still no cervical change. I was extremely high risk for uterine rupture. So the next morning, still contracting between 3 - 8 minutes apart, steroid shots had taken full effect, they decided to deliver because the contractions were not stopling and they were afraid they were putting to much stress on my uterus and a rupture was such a big possibility we had to be safe. So on Friday, September 13th, at 6:10 pm, Macksen Timothy was born weighing 4lbs 4oz and 15 3/4 inches long. We spent 26 days in the NICU and just came home last week!