Feminine hygiene

I’m 15 coming on 16 and I’ve had my period for about a year and a half, my cycle is pretty normal coming about every 27 days, but I have so much discharge and I have to wear pantyliners every single day because of it!! And when I wear a thong which is like almost every day, I feel so wet down there and I feel almost as if I bled through but I know I didn’t cuz I’m not on my period, sometimes it smells down there but I have nobody to talk to about it I honestly have no knowledge when it comes to hygiene down there. I hate having so much discharge down there and it makes me feel so self conscious, I have never had sex,and of course I want to but like taking off some underwear with a liner inside is not exactly how I want my first time to go. Also how can I keep it clean down there. Someone please help I’m so confused. I know discharge is normal but like can I lessen it?