I miss this.


In the silence of the morning, before anyone else is awake, it's just you and me.

Your gentle kicks wake me up.

I feel you.

I poke back, initiating connection with you. We go back and forth, you and I sometimes for an hour before anyone else is awake.

It's our little secret, these scared moments that can only be shared between a mama and her child.

And I savor these moments.

These moments when you are so close to me.

These last moments of getting to hold you on the inside. When you're tucked so closely under my heart. When I feel your every movement.

These little kicks I get to feel.. every turn off your body, every poke of your fingers... They are sacred.

Intimate touches only a mama knows.

So before you enter the world, before your born before everyone else wants to hold you and know you.

I'll cherish these sacred moments of being your mother when it's just you and me getting to know one another.

Because mamas have a special gift. A gift of knowing or babies long before anyone else.

The gentle kicks.

Waking me up in the middle of the night.

The jumps when you react to a new voice.

The response to the vacuum being turned on.

Your reaction to music.

Your response to touch.

Your unique movement routine.

I'll cherish this sacred gift of being your mama. Holding your body in my womb.

I'll cherish the gift of knowing you before the world knows how special you are too ❤️

*Being pregnant with my baby girl was the best gift in the world. I miss it every day.