3rd miscarriage in a row 💔


TTC baby #2 and have had 3 miscarriages since February this year. I have no trouble getting pregnant at all, I always get pregnant on the first try. I will note I have had one successful pregnancy and a sweet baby girl who I got pregnant with on the first try and had zero issues the entire time. My periods are regular and normal, and I always know when I ovulate.

March 2019- empty sac/blighted ovum at 7 Weeks

July 2019- saw heartbeat at 8 week ultrasound, miscarried naturally at 10 weeks

October 2019- empty sac/blighted ovum at 6 weeks

Anyone have any advice on where to go from here? Do I take a break for a while?? My OB has done full bloodwork and also HSG ultrasound and cannot find any reason for the miscarriages except bad luck. During the last two pregnancies I was placed on progesterone. She recommends I see a fertility specialist now. I feel so lost and just don’t know what to do!