Feeling down


I’m a young mom. I’m 20 and will be 21 next month. I know I’m doing things differently than most and I know I have to grow up faster because of this. But when I got pregnant I didn’t expect to truly lose all of my friends. I know they all have lives and have different priorities but it still hurts when I put out the effort to see them and it’s been months since we’ve hung out other than seeing each other once at a social gathering. I just moved into a new apartment and was proud of it and wanted them to come see it and hang out and I was blown off by all of them. It just kinda hurts but I understand that they are living different lives than me now. I just feel really alone at this point in my pregnancy because the only people I see are my mom, my boyfriend, his mom, and sometimes my dad. I also go to college but I don’t have any friends there. I don’t really know what to do about it so I’m just gonna leave it at that.